The Curry Trap Alt perspective!

From Chris A’s point of view! 

 “New iMessage from Kip Wells” - Got time for a curry before you go back?!


 I work away, and Kip had been in Cyprus for a few years working, we are hardly ever free at the same time let alone in the same country so when it happens we have Curry and catch up, that’s just what we do!

I was excited and was 15 minutes early, to my surprise Kip was already there! Dang the boy is keen - and boy did I find out why! 

 We hadn’t even got the menu and my brain was already hurting at trying to comprehend rowing across the Atlantic, 24hrs a day, 2 on 2 off….people ACTUALLY do this?!?

I think back to my days offshore - sat on the heli-deck looking out over the vast ocean but also knowing I’m only 15 minutes away on a chopper - getting paid helps too….rowing….??? 


 Next topic…!!

 I can see Kip sink in his chair, he’s been my mate for life - I know when he’s dejected…I start silently thinking to myself - this guy is serious!! So I start to think deeper into it, I’m not concentrating on what’s going on - something about a promotion, something about a house, something about dogs….

“but he knows I hate cardio” 

 There’s no way he’s come to me with half a plan, time is money as they say, and we were already onto the mains….

 “How long does it take….”

“We’re gonna need money”

 Kip sits up and bangs out a seemingly endless list of facts. Hours of study & reading & research leaves his head and starts bouncing off mine, names, times….this guy has done his homework! 

 Somehow he manages to finish his curry and it’s time to leave. Hug my mate goodbye and leave him with

  “I’m In”.

What I meant to say was - “ I couldn’t think of another guy I’d want to be Stuck on a boat with other than my best mate Kip, all that time we have missed out on over the years….of course I’m F*cking IN!!”


Instant Disappointment


The Curry Trap