Instant Disappointment

16 Feb 22 – Having sold the dream to Chris A, we set about smacking together some sort of plan. Top of the list was to apply & enter the race. Simple enough.

Unless you are us.

After a few meetings with work and triple checking with our better halves, we felt we had sufficient permission to go ahead and send off the application! Buzzing, TWAC 2024 here we come!

In typical Chris A & Chris W fashion we were all in. Meetings about branding, fundraising, sponsors, training, and everything in between were underway. Having quickly established a Team name “Force Horizon”, we set about getting an identity & got our Logo created by the fantastic Carl Holderness! (

Buoyed by the recent developments and momentum created we couldn’t wait for our welcome package from Atlantic Campaigns.

What I received was a message from Chris A with a crying Emoji. Well, this isn’t good.

The 2024 race was full. A surge in applicants in the previous week had scuppered our plans big style. The next few days were spent sulking especially as the 2021 fleet were arriving at English Harbour, Antigua, celebrating their incredible efforts and we couldn’t even fill out a form on time!

At this point we put our big boy pants on and got our shit in a sock. Filling out the forms like our lives depended on it, we certainly were not going to miss out on TWAC 2025.


ooh so fancy!


The Curry Trap Alt perspective!