ooh so fancy!

Mar 22 – That’s it. We are official! TWAC 2025 confirmed, deposits paid, happy days!

We are also officially fancy.

Website up and running accompanied by a glam photo shoot with Natalie Lauren Photography. Safe to say I am not a natural in front of the camera! Chris gave it his best blue steel channelling some David Gandy vibes to great success! But off the back off this awkward encounter, we were able to put together our website, partnership package and begin metaphorically slapping people in the face with our social media campaign!

First team conflict came when Chris decided his profile picture on the website/partnership package wasn’t sexy enough for his high standards. I disagreed and tried my hardest to comfort him through this tough time by reassuring him he was indeed sexy enough. Ego massaged, self-confidence restored, we cracked on with the original image.

Until a day later...

Toys left the pram. Clearly it had been playing on his mind! The kind & generous soul I am, I said I would change it for the most handsomest photo of him I had ever seen! See “crew” page on website for evidence!

However, I haven’t changed the Partnership pack because……well……banter.

We took delivery of our first batch of Team Force Horizon merch (which is available to buy in our online shop!) and have been wearing it ever since. I even got accosted at the top of a mountain in the Lake District by a lady who asked if I had rowed it yet! Turns out she was friends with Tori (the world record holding, solo Atlantic crossing, legend).

Sponsorship has started to pick up! We currently have AXEMAN BBQ & DSC Engineering onboard and have begun approaching companies about partnering up with us. This without doubt will soon dominate our lives!! Crossfit Spalding have kindly donated a rowing machine which has been a complete game changer in our “Ocean Rowing Lab”, my garage gym.

Tricky times in the Wells household. I am on my final warning for talking about “the row”. 3 months into the campaign and my poor suffering wife can’t stand my ramblings anymore. Long road ahead for me. Wish me luck.


Fast forward 18 months…


Instant Disappointment